Dynamic Pricing And Discount Rules Wordpress Plugin Documentation by “ ShareSoft Technology ” v1.0

Dynamic pricing and Discount Rules Wordpress Plugin

Created: 24-02-2023
By: ShareSoft Technology
Email: ShareSoft Technology

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Hello! We would like to thank you for purchasing our plugin! :)

This file will explain you how to set up and use the “Dynamic Pricing And Discount Rules” WordPress plugin.
This file looks extensive so you might think that, the plugin is hard to use, but actually it's not! You probably might jump to the options page and explore everything yourself. This file is more of a reference help, if you do not know what to do, or if you are not familiar with WordPress.

Have fun with your new plugin!

Best regards,
ShareSoft Technology

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installation and setup (to get it like in our demo)
    1. Install plugin
    2. How to install through FTP
    3. How to install through Admin Panel
  3. How the plugin functions
    1. Admin features
    2. Frontend Dynamic pricing plugin features

Overview - top

The Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin provides you the option to set up separate discount rules for both the product and cart details. Using this plugin, you can create bulk pricing based on the quantity range and increase your sales to its next level.

Also, you can choose the products for applying discount rules depending on the product details like the product category and selling price.

Apart from the features. Use the admin option effectively,and also provide product info properly to get better results.


Installation - top

2.1 Install plugin - top

Install dependency plugin

After that you can view the plugin added in the list in admin area,

2.2 How to install through FTP #1- top

Install plugin

After that you can view the plugin added in the list in admin area,

2.3 How to install through Admin Panel- top

Install plugin

After that you can view the plugin added in the list in admin area,

How the plugin functions - top

3.1 Admin features-top

Image below, explains how the tabs are used.

Image below, explains how the section views.

Image below , Add Pricing Rule section in admin

Image below shows that , There are two discount methods it supports shows in admin panel.

Image below , The Plugin provides the fixed/percentage discount. You can choose any of them as per your preference.

TThe plugin enables display of bulk pricing tables at 12 different locations for maximum visibility and conversion opportunities.The followings below are the positions where these bulk pricing table can be displayed:

  1. woocommerce_single_product_summary
  2. woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form
  3. woocommerce_before_variations_form
  4. woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button
  5. woocommerce_before_single_variation
  6. woocommerce_single_variation
  7. woocommerce_after_single_variation
  8. woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button
  9. woocommerce_after_variations_form
  10. woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form
  11. woocommerce_product_meta_start
  12. woocommerce_product_meta_end

Users can select their preferred pricing table position for Quantity discount using the method provided in the image below.

Image below, explains Set Discount Rules can be made for both simple and variable products.Give a discount when the shopper purchases a particular product or any products from a selected category.

Image below, explains Set Discount Rules based on : USER ROLES

Give a special discount to the users based on their roles like subscribers,customer,contributors, and much more.

Image below, explains how the section views.

Image below , Add Cart Rule section in admin

image below shows the Set time-based discounts: Offer shoppers discounts when they purchase within specific time intervals or on designated days you define.

Image below, explains Discount rules can be easily rearranged through a user-friendly drag and drop interface, simplifying the process of prioritizing and organizing them.

3.2 Frontend output view - top

If you have enabled the Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules means, you will be able to add the Discounts based on product price and cart totals display at Front End Product detail page and cart page.

The image below explains how to display the Product Rule set simple discount method based on the product price on the WooCommerce product detail page.

In the below Image the "Quantity Discount" section, you can define bulk pricing rules based on the quantity purchased. For example, you can set a rule like:

The image below explains how to display the Cart Rule set discount on the cart total amount in WooCommerce cart page.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this plugin. As we said at the beginning, We would be glad to help you, if you have any questions related to this plugin.

ShareSoft Technology

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