Import Woocommerce Orders Wordpress Plugin Documentation by “ ShareSoft Technology ” v1.0

Import Woocommerce Orders Plugin

Created: 31-06-2023
Last Update: 31-07-2023
By: ShareSoft Technology
Email: ShareSoft Technology

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Hello! We would like to thank you for purchasing our plugin! :)

This file will explain you how to set up and use the “Import woocommerce orders” WordPress plugin.
This file looks extensive so you might think that, the plugin is hard to use, but actually it's not! You probably might jump to the options page and explore everything yourself. This file is more of a reference help, if you do not know what to do, or if you are not familiar with WordPress.

Have fun with your new plugin!

Best regards,
ShareSoft Technology

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installation and setup (to get it like in our demo)
    1. Install plugin
    2. How to install through FTP
    3. How to install through Admin Panel
  3. How the plugin functions
    1. Import features

Overview - top

The WooCommerce Orders Import plugin is a versatile tool designed to streamline the process of importing orders into your WooCommerce store. With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, this plugin facilitates effortless order import from various file formats like CSV, XLSX, XLS, and XML. It offers a preview of the selected file, allowing you to view all the data before proceeding to the import. The plugin empowers users to choose and disable specific fields to customize the import process, ensuring seamless order importing according to your specific needs.



Installation - top

2.1 Install plugin - top

Install dependency plugin

After that you can view the plugin added in the list in admin area,

2.2 How to install through FTP #1- top

Install plugin

After that you can view the plugin added in the list in admin area,

2.3 How to install through Admin Panel- top

Install plugin

After that you can view the plugin added in the list in admin area,

How the plugin functions - top

3.1 Admin features-top

Image below, explains how the tabs are used.

1. File Selection and Preview:

Below images shows that , Import orders preview from selected .CSV file format.

Below images shows that , Import orders preview from selected .XLSX file format.

Below images shows that , Import orders preview from selected .XLS file format.

Below images shows that , Import orders preview from selected .XML file format.

Click to Continue to step2 --->

2. Display All Fields:

Below images shows that , After click Continue to step2 button, all fields present in the import file are displayed.

3. Field Selection and Customization:

Allow users to choose specific fields to import. Disable unnecessary fields that do not need to be imported.

4. Import Orders:

Once you have selected and customized the fields, click on the "Import" button to begin the order import process. The plugin will efficiently import the selected order data into your WooCommerce store.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this plugin. As we said at the beginning, We would be glad to help you, if you have any questions related to this plugin.

ShareSoft Technology

Go To Table of Contents